The plans that we have for our participation in Parma are extensive. Our representation at the conference will include young people from over 40 countries of the WHO European Region, all of whom are in action in environment and health activities in their countries. We will come together on the two days before the conference to finalise plans for our Conference participation.
The preparatory days (9-10th of March 2010) will include the final selection and preparation of representatives who will participate in the three panel sessions we are scheduled to be active in.
In addition we will put the finishing touches to the presentations we will be making at the joint side events that we are planning, in collaboration with HEAL, (the Health and Environment Alliance) and the World Business Council.
The Network has been working on the preparation of the 5th Ministerial Conference WHO CEHAPE Youth Network Declaration which it is hoped we will be presenting to Ministers for its inclusion as a Conference outcome, as was the case in Budapest when the first Youth declaration was presented. During the preparatory days, we will finalise and approve the declaration ready for its presentation.
WHO in collaboration with DG SANCO are preparing for a three year project on physical activity, children and young people. They have approached the WHO CEHAPE Youth Network for collaboration in the project and so we have scheduled a session on the second day of our preparatory days to discuss some of the case studies that have been prepared and plan the activities for the three years collaboration.
The City of Parma is hosting us during the conference an we know that they are preparing a number of events for us to enjoy. These include site visits to some environmental projects in the city and different kinds of evening entertainment.